3 New Products for a Happy New Year!
With 2017 in hindsight we are looking forward to a bright 2018 full of new ideas and great new products. Looking back on 2017, we had so many new products come on the scene and have yet to market those items to the extent they deserve. We recently finished up our new catalog so if you would like one of those please message us with your mailing information. To start off the New Year I would like to highlight some of our latest products and try to give a more in-depth look at how they work.
1.) #333-3 Snap Tab

This exciting new item is based on how Snap Clamps work, yet it allows you to securely attach a flat surface to the clamp. As you can see the Snap Tab has a strip of plastic that sits on top of the clamp so that you can either glue or screw a board or panel to it. This comes in handy when you want to build a project that has walls or panels that need to snap together. I made a video showing how to build a PVC table and in the video I attach the table top to the PVC frame using Snap Tabs. The reason I chose to use this method was so that I could easily break the project down for storage. You can see the video HERE and I highlight the Snap Tabs around minute 6 of the video.
2.) #353 Side Saddle Tee

When you need to add an additional leg or support to your PVC project it can sometimes be a pain to remeasure and cut your pipe where you want the addition to be. With the Side Saddle Tee you can easily add a new segment of pipe to any portion of your project without disassembly or cutting. The unique design is based on a furniture grade tee but it is open on one end so you can simply snap it into place!
Not only does this make it easier to add sections to your project but you can use it for a type of hitch for holding up an outdoor movie screen or securely covering a load of hay or firewood. This is accomplished by adding a cap and screw eye to your Side Saddle Tee. Simply glue the extra cap and screw eye in place and use the Tee as an anchor point for tie off.
3.) #343-96 Snap Frame
The last item on the list is a new way to attach a panel or board to a PVC Frame. The Snap Frame allows you to attach either 6mm or 1/4 inch panels to your PVC greenhouse or structure. Another neat way to use the Snap Frame is in billboards

and signs. We attended the National Hardware Show in Las Vegas last May and we used the Snap Frame to hold our signage and poster boards. We also held a pegboard in place with a few of the Snap Frames. Check it out! You'll notice in the picture of our booth, the pegboard on the left that is displaying our variety of fittings is held by Snap Frames. Also on the right side of the picture the large poster is held in with Snap Frame pieces as well! As you can see this makes for a very professional looking display or advertising.

If you would like more information about these products or if you are interested in purchasing please give us a call or click below to order online.
Call us at 1-877-762-7782

Circo Innovations, Inc.
Grass Valley, CA 95945