How To: Build a Small PVC Greenhouse for your Potted Plants
When you have way too many potted plants around your house you need to have a way to protect them when the wintery days come. Otherwise your plant babies will see their last day. Don't let that happen. One easy way to protect your potted pansies is to build a small PVC Greenhouse for them. You may be looking for an inexpensive way to protect a wide variety of sensitive plants in the winter or maybe you need a similar protection in the summer time from the harsh sun. You've come to the right place, because building with PVC is a great option. PVC is inexpensive and easy to use. Not only that but you can come up with nearly any configuration. For us, we wanted to be able to arrange our plants together and build a small structure over them to protect the beauties from frost. See below for the parts you'll need to build a similar project using 1/2 inch PVC pipe!
•5 sections of 1/2” PVC pipe cut to 5-feet.
•4 sections of 1/2” PVC pipe cut to 4-feet.
•12 sections of 1/2” PVC pipe cut to 3-feet.
•4 sections of 1/2” PVC pipe cut to 2-inches.
•20 of the #11R 1/2” Snap Clamp Pro Series.
•4 of the #141-F 1/2” 45-Degree Elbow fitting.
•8 of the #61-F 1/2” Slip-Tee fitting.
•6 of the #31-F 1/2” 3-Way fitting.
•4 of the #41-F 1/2” 4-Way fitting.
•ABS Plastic Roughly 6x35 feet.
What Now? Hints...
1.) We recommend if you build this frame to use some sort of anchoring system to hold it down because once you put a covering on it will want to blow away. Some ideas for anchoring are to use sand bags, or if you're building on the dirt use some metal stakes to hold it to the ground.
2.) As for your covering. If you want to protect from frost you'll need to get some 6 mil plastic that is for greenhouses. This will allow lots of light to come through as well as protect the environment of your mini greenhouse. Here's a good source to find the plastic you need.
3.) To help with some heat in your mini greenhouse you can use a couple of methods. One way is to string Christmas lights or other types of incandescent lights inside. These will help provide extra heat. Another method is to put containers of water, like used milk jugs or barrels inside the greenhouse. These extra masses of water will help retain heat from the day so that through the night the greenhouse won't get as cold. Of course a heat lamp is a great option too.
Thank you for spending some time and reading our blog. If you need some more great ideas please subscribe to our Youtube channel or follow us on social media. To purchase any of the listed PVC fittings and parts visit our online store using the button below.

Circo Innovations, Inc.
Grass Valley, CA