DIY Roof Sprinkler for Wildfire Protection
Fully Adjustable - Daisy Chain Ready - Easy to build - Preassembled Kit Available
As we have seen over the last few years, fires have destroyed thousands of homes and hundreds of thousands of acres of land across the US. These fires have devastated families and wiped entire towns and communities off the map. In an effort to be proactive in protecting our business and personal homes/properties (we are located in a high fire danger area in Northern CA), we have designed a simple and inexpensive way to do so with our
FULLY ADJUSTABLE DIY PVC Roof Sprinkler (Item #284) . Our FULLY ADJUSTABLE DIY PVC Roof Sprinkler can help protect your home and property this fire season (for CA, it's year-round). The purpose of this type of sprinkler is to wet down your house and property and to act as an ember deterrent. That means if an ember from a nearby fire floats onto a wet surface that's been doused by the sprinkler system it will most likely fizzle out versus catching more things on fire. Our design can be adjusted to fit any roof style, peak and slope. This kit comes with all the parts needed to hook your water hose up to the sprinkler and start protecting your property. Simply set the sprinkler on the peak of your house and drape a hose down next to a water spigot. If there is a concern about wind knocking the sprinkler off, (we haven't had any reports oft his happening), you can very easily add sand bags to the legs or you can fill the legs with sand to weight it down. Did you hear about the homeowner who saved his house because he used sprinklers to wet everything down? Take a look.
This system can also be used to wet the roof, cool down the house or clean off your SOLAR PANELS. This upright sprinkler also makes a great field sprinkler for wetting down defensible space, and watering in high grass or pasture land. The Sprinkler kits can easily be connected end to end (daisy chained) with a short hose to link as many kits together as you need. The Impact Sprinkler Head is a heavy duty 1/2 Inch Brass Impact Sprinkler Head with an adjustable nozzle, adjustable throw pattern, and adjustable from 0-360 Degrees.
This kit comes with all the fittings and pre-cut pipe, as well as the impact sprinkler to build your own roof-top sprinkler protection. Some assembly is required. If you prefer to build your own here's the parts you'll need.
Parts List:
4 sections of the 1-1/4” PVC pipe cut to 12” long.
2 sections of the 1-1/4” PVC pipe cut to 6” long.
2 of the 1-1/4” adjustable 3-way joint fittings (Item #244-3F)
4 of the 1-1/4” external caps (Item #164-U)
2 of the 1-1/4” internal caps (Item #74-F)
1 of the 3/4” FHT x MPT swivel adapter with washer (Item #182-FHTxMT-B)
1 of the 3/4” MHT x MPT nipples (Item #382-TxHT-B)
1 of the 3/4” FHT threaded cap with washer (Item #162-FHT-B)
3 of the 1-1/4” x 3/4” FPT reducers (Item #192-UT x 4)
1 of the 1-1/4” 5-way fittings (Item #54-F)
1 of the 3/4” to 1/2” threaded reducer (Item #191-T)
1 of the 1/2” impact sprinkler (Item #Sprinkler)
To purchase this kit or any of our items go to our website at or purchase over the phone at (530)-272-3382. To request a free catalog visit
(To request a catalog please leave your name and mailing information) Thank you for choosing Circo Innovations for all of your PVC pipe and fitting needs. If you do not see our clamps and PVC fittings in your local hardware store, ask them to carry Circo Innovations products. Thank you for reading!
